Hamish Pearce - Elite Sports Program Leader - Mount Ridley College

At Mount Ridley College we have 150 students involved in an Elite Sports Program that covers a range of sports (Netball, Basketball, Soccer, Aussie Rules and Rugby League). We have found using the SPT GPS trackers in class, trainings and game day matches a valuable tool when it comes to monitoring individual students and giving us the edge over our opponents.
Our Year 12 students have found the data collection invaluable for current units of work and it gives them instant data they can collect and work from – through live tracking on the app or quickly downloaded to individual performances.
On the sporting and training front, students are jumping up and down to wear the units, the tops are comfortable and they quickly forget they are wearing the units. We have just purchased the heart rate vests to integrate the units so we can continue tracking at a higher level and can’t wait to put them to the test.
From students to staff – they are a great tool in the classroom and on the field.