Derry City FC SPT Testimonial

Derry City FC have been using SPT for nearly 2 years now. The units are lightweight yet durable and the Gametraka system is user friendly. SPT has offered us great support and are constantly evolving and allow us to have input into the system improvements.
SPT offers us the opportunity to constantly monitor our players workloads in great detail at an affordable price. Using SPT has given us the chance to tailor training to each individual. This has been a huge advantage in helping with injury prevention and increasing fitness levels. In each training session or match we can monitor players’ speed, intensity, sprint efforts, distance covered overall, speed zones and a heat map for player movement patterns. In sport, any advantage you can get can be the difference between winning & losing.
I would have no hesitation in recommending Sports Performance Tracking to clubs. From elite to grassroots sports clubs, schools, universities or even individual athletes looking to improve.
Seamus Mc Callion – Performance Analyst